New Berrima General Store animal cruelty

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New Berrima General Store animal cruelty

Post by samuel »

Picked this up from Facebook just now. If anyone wants to read it fully, you can go here:

Chris at New Berrima General Store
Anyone know any true animal welfare groups in the Southern highlands?
Dogs located at the back of New Berrima General Store & Post Office. This little guy is starting to look emaciated. his ribs are showing. I guarantee you he would also have worms and flees. I doubt he has ever had flea control in his life. He only goes for walks maybe once every few months.

Alison Layton
I'm confused why they have dogs if that's their attitude! Do they keep the dogs there all the time or take them home with them once the shop shuts?
4 hrs · Unlike · 1
Chris bless you Sky Medley
5 hrs · Like
Chris a year ago I contacted the RSPCA because these same people had these 2 dogs chained to shipping container in a very hot day with no water, in no shade all day long.
Thank god the vacant lot next door has been sold by me and built a 6ft fence where these little guys can get shade from the harsh sun.
5 hrs · Edited · Like
Alison Layton Can the rescue group forcibly remove these dogs though? Or can they only help the dogs if the owners agree?
5 hrs · Like
Skye Mulley owner agrees as far as I know
5 hrs · Like
Chris I asked the shop owners a while ago if I could feed them, they said no, they are on a special diet ye I can definitely see that
5 hrs · Like
Alison Layton I hope even just the scare of people showing up makes them treat their dogs properly, but it seems that the history shows they won't.
Skye Mulley Just ring the pound
5 hrs · Like
Chris i have contacted Wingecarribee animal shelter, they say call RSPCA, but I know all about RSPCA , they dont do anything unless the media cameras are recording, so they can pull more heart strings for donations... I will search for the pound details ..thanks
5 hrs · Like · 1
Skye Mulley did you ask about them at the store?
5 hrs · Like
Skye Mulley Golden oldies animal rescue
5 hrs · Unlike · 1
Chris yes I messaged them via facebook. Told her, I was thinking of calling someone but would tell her first.. I saw the daughter later go out the back and start filling up their water container and do some cleaning..
5 hrs · Like
Angelia Ballard Heartbreaking
5 hrs · Unlike · 1
Skye Mulley Have pm golden oldies for you
5 hrs · Edited · Unlike · 1
Chris bless you Sky Medley
5 hrs · Like
Alison Layton I hope even just the scare of people showing up makes them treat their dogs properly, but it seems that the history shows they won't.
A special diet? A special diet of air and a handful of kibble maybe? Poor dogs look so sad.
5 hrs · Unlike · 1
Chris Very true Alison Layton there is no love or compassion for these fur babies, having them behind a shop 24/7 instead of a nice warm home, which they own just 4 houses down, is evident of their character. I daily throw them doggy biscuits.. they love them
5 hrs · Like · 2
Alison Layton I hope you have some luck Chris, with winter coming these little guys deserve to be somewhere warm with enough food and some love.
4 hrs · Unlike · 1
Chris they do have a built dog house, but one side is open to the elements so it doesn't really protect them from the rain or cold.
4 hrs · Like
Chris Earlier this year i complained to them about theJack Russel being red raw all under her belly. They laughed and said she got sun burnt she kept crawling along the grass trying to ease her pain
4 hrs · Edited · Like
Chris no, they are there 24/7... I agree, whats the point of having pets. they even have a white cat ... (maybe more) that looks like it desperately needs a bath and a groom.
4 hrs · Edited · Like
Alison Layton Terribly sad. The owners need a massive wake up call.
4 hrs · Unlike · 1
Chris They probably only respond if it hurts their pockets, so if anyone is seeing this post.. please tell your friends not to shop there.
4 hrs · Like · 1
Skye Mulley Gina Fallon
4 hrs · Like
Chris I heard the owners have in plans to build a service station / bottle shop across the road soon..
4 hrs · Like
Anfield-Smorti Hetha Post something on their Facebook page people. I think they have one!
3 hrs · Unlike · 1
Chris the owners just got up me for feeding his dogs.
8 mins · Edited · Like
Gina Fallon thanks ladies
1 hr · Unlike · 1
Nikki Dexter Poor little guys hope you find a way to help them
43 mins · Unlike · 2
Danni Reichel Oh that is so heart breaking. Thank you for letting us know. I sure won't be spending any money there!
32 mins · Like
Chris owner was waiting for me as I drove home, he confronted me about feeding his dogs.. he was all huffing and puffing at me, breathing heavily.. if I continue to feed them, I'm sure he will do something nasty to my place or car.
23 mins · Like
Chris Also a family member just called me about this post... looks like the shop owners contacted my sisters husband complaining about the things I am writing about them. Confirmation that they are reading this thread.. my sister says Im a bad guy stirring up trouble.. but I cannot stay quiet to a voiceless creature that needs my help.. interesting how interested they now are, because they are afraid of losing money
14 mins · Edited · Like · 1
Chris For months I have been parking on my front lawn, because the shop owner asked me not to park out on the road, because it harder for his customers to drive in for petrol. I am now going to start parking properly out on the front of my place again. if I get any damage to my car, I will know the shop owners have done it, or got someone else to do it. They have many trucky friends so asking a truck driver to drive into the side of my car and make it look like an accident, wont be a big thing for them.. even if they do damage my car, it will still sit right in that spot. I will just buy another vehicle to drive. always worried about getting a ticket from the council for parking on the lawn anyway.

Chris nice try alias Shirlie Tymms, (using the over weight angle) it took you a good month to come up with this reply? using psychology to discredit me.. RSPCA know you very well... and pictures dont lie. I've seen the dogs 2 years ago and they never had a w...See More
5 hrs · Edited · Like · 1
5 hrs · Like
Larni Heather It is a bit strange that this Shirlie Tymms has only just started up their profile unsure emoticon
5 hrs · Unlike · 2
Chris I was thinking the same thing Larni Heather smile emoticon I blocked her.
5 hrs · Edited · Like
Larni Heather Sent you a pm Chris Roubis
5 hrs · Unlike · 1
Chris I dont get pm's well, unless I add people, so I added u.. still cannot see it yet, might log out
5 hrs · Edited · Like
Chris By the way, yes I hate Boral Cement plant.. why? because of the 24/7 noise and cement dust on a daily basis. Obviously Karens General Store make their money off Boral Staff and filling up the Trucks. Anyone want to hear what it sounds like every night living in New Berrima? watch this.

Boral Cement Plant Noise New Berrima NSW Australia
Boral Cement Plant Noise New Berrima NSW Australia
Turn up your speakers! My phone...
5 hrs · Edited · Like · Remove Preview
Martina Drysdale Did you move to Berrima before or after the cement plant went in?
5 hrs · Like · 4
Alison Layton New Berrima was originally established as a residential area purely to service the cement works wasn't it?
5 hrs · Edited · Unlike · 2
Chris correct Alison Layton in the 1920's
5 hrs · Edited · Like
Alix Lightfoot There is no profile pic or information on "Shirlie Tymms" I'm guessing its an alias.
3 hrs · Like · 1
Shaun Loiterton Chris your just a winging moron mate, dogs looked fine to me the other day, do you no how many people in New Berrima are employed by Boral, if it wasnt for the cement mill you wouldnt live in your tiny little house, the cement mill would be so loud at night if you had something to do other then look over the neighbors fence and feed there dogs!!
2 hrs · Like · 1
New Berrima General Store animal cruelty
New Berrima General Store animal cruelty
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Re: New Berrima General Store animal cruelty

Post by Gary »

My Cats love the General Store in New Berrima.
They sit in my backyard, waiting for the mice that cross our yard every night, to get to the General Store. :ymdevil: I wish they would stop bringing them inside as trophies. #-o
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Geoff Hanratty keeps driving down the wrong side of the road

Post by Heather »

New Berrima General Store owner , Geoff Hanratty, keeps driving down the wrong side of the road, and I am very afraid for my children getting run over by this poor excuse of a human being.

I have called Police and they are aware of him.
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Geoff Hanratty, stop blaming residents for your poor plannin

Post by creampie »

hey Guys,
A Council member informed me today that Karen Hanratty (General store owners) went to the Wingecarribee Council today to submit a request for No Parking Signs along Argyle street, so semi trailers can easily drive down and fill up..

1) Firstly, isn't the General Store owner pumping gas on council road property?

2) General Store clients all parking illegally in the middle of the road. I've seen young children nearly get run over in that spot many times.

3) Isn't it about time Wingecarribee Council get up to date with new planning policies and start doing something about no road rules, no parking rules, and no pumping gas rules on a public street?

4) And please get rid of that illegal steel barrier that the General Store setup in the middle of the road.... that is why the trucks cannot squeeze in to fill up... Geoff Hanratty, stop blaming residents for your poor planning! YOU CRETIN 3:-O

5) These Halfwits have known someone is going to build next to them one day.. so why haven't they planned for it all these years? Geoff Hanratty, get of your fat ass and move the petrol pump, so trucks can drive up your driveway and fill up.. or, get rid of that steel barrier that is a danger, so trucks have room to fill up.. :(|)
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Re: New Berrima General Store animal cruelty

Post by Heather »

Karen and Geoff Hanratty do not mind when the General Stores customers park outside peoples houses, but when a resident parks outside their own home, then its a problem.
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Re: New Berrima General Store animal cruelty

Post by Gary »

Chris thanks to me and others feeding them, (meat) they look much better.. Shaun Loiterton are you eating your lunch from the rat infested , moldy asbestos walls? I cannot make this stuff up folks. New Berrima General store has never ever seen a food inspector since the 80's, otherwise it would of shut down decades ago..
Chris photo.
Just now · Edited · Like
Karens General Store New Berrima rats mold and asbestos
Karens General Store New Berrima rats mold and asbestos
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Wingecarribee Council Frank Perger don't give a shit

Post by creampie »

Just twisted my ankle walking the dog outside no. 19 Argyle street.

Karen's General Store New Berrima Customers with their heavy vehicles have damaged the road.. Karen Hanratty (store owner) and Wingecarribee Council Frank Perger don't give a shit.
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Re: New Berrima General Store animal cruelty

Post by samuel »

I was waiting for my order one time sitting out the front of the shop. I saw Karen's General Store owner, Geoff Hanratty talking to his youngest daughter, also sitting outside of the shop, that he wished he could put parking meters all out the front of the shop, so he can charge his customers for parking. It's not enough that he gets permission to use council public road and footpath for filling trucks and cars... this guy wants more.

Don't you just love a money hungry pig :o)
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Re: New Berrima General Store animal cruelty

Post by samuel »

Poor old girl (Jack Russell) really struggling in this cold weather -1 degrees at night.

She is staying in the dog house even through the day. I suspect she sleeps through the day because its too cold to sleep through the night time... and if she falls asleep at night, she wont wake up to see another day.

it makes me so angry how red necks are allowed to keep animals.

Katie Hanratty bought one of the dogs a black studded collar, all she thinks about is how tough her dog looks.
But she doesn't think how cold and hungry her dogs feel every night. She could of at least bought her dogs something warm, like an electric doggy mattress or insulated the dog house from the -1 degree weather we have.

You cannot teach red necks compassion and love for animals... they either have it , or they don't.
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Re: New Berrima General Store animal cruelty

Post by Heather »

They wont even buy their own dogs coats for the freezing cold weather, especially at nights when it gets below zero.

I have noticed an old dog coat the stays hanging on the fence, but it is never put on the dogs.. I assume the dog coat must sit there in case the RSPCA visits.

Lots more posts to read here: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=946
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