New Study Links Pet Deaths And Cancer To ‘Over-Vaccinating’

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Rev. Chris Roubis
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New Study Links Pet Deaths And Cancer To ‘Over-Vaccinating’

Post by Rev. Chris Roubis »

New Study Links Pet Deaths And Cancer To ‘Over-Vaccinating’

Vaccinating cats and dogs can cause a range of diseases and disorders – including autism – and veterinarians are often guilty of “over-prescribing vaccines to maximize profits“, according to a new study published by a U.S. Veterinary journal.

Annual vaccinations have been a cash cow, for vaccine companies and Vets, for many years now. However, according to a group of vets, this revenue is created under false and misleading science and the unnecessary vaccinations are seriously detrimental to the health of our pets.

A group of Vets has also issued a Health Warning, advising pet owners to stop lining the pockets of vaccine companies:

“The present practice of marketing vaccinations for companion animals may constitute fraud by misrepresentation, fraud by silence and theft by deception.“

As far as Big Pharma are concerned, a fool and his money are easily parted, and pet owners are proving as easy to swindle as young parents.

Just like vaccinations for humans, the number of scheduled vaccinations cats and dogs now receive has gone through the roof compared to previous generations.

Unsurprisingly, domestic cats and dogs have never suffered as many health problems as they do now.

“22,000 cats develop cancer at the site of vaccination every year in the USA. American cats are now being vaccinated in the tail or leg so that they can cut it off when it becomes cancerous,” says

Cancer in domestic cats has now reached epidemic proportions. The vaccine industry claims “correlation does not imply causation”, but a degree of common sense is needed here. How many tails and legs must be amputated before Vets will begin to admit the vaccinations they are pushing are high-risk?

If these figures aren’t telling enough, a further study claims that “Sixty-six per cent of all sick dogs start being sick within three months of vaccination.”

And compromised immune systems are just the start. Vaccines are also responsible for causing a range of chronic diseases to take hold, among them autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, thyroid disease, arthritis and parvovirus. Vaccines can even make your dog autistic.

Vets, pressured by vaccine companies to continually increase profits, are over-vaccinating our pets. Annual vaccines have become normalized in the U.S., when most vaccines are actually designed to last for seven years.

The vaccine industry is now so powerful that Vets are being punished for daring to treat animals on a case-by-case basis.

Dr John Robb, a leading U.S. Veterinarian, was put on probation in 2015 by the State Board of Veterinary Medicine in Connecticut, for reducing the dosage in rabies vaccinations for small dogs.

“You’re telling me that if there’s a law that would force me to kill my patient, I would have to do it?” he raged.

However he received scant support from fellow Vets in an industry increasingly geared towards maximizing profit – at the expense of the health of our cats and dogs.

‘I’m Hurting My Patients With These Vaccines’

Like all veterinary students, Dr. Robb was taught in vet school that vaccines are good and prevent disease. But once he was a practicing DVM, he began to see vaccine side effects such as life-threatening anaphylaxis, as well as longer term vaccine-related disorders.

“I began to read the veterinary literature like JAVMA, the Journal of the Veterinary Medical Association,” says Dr. Robb. “I started to research on my own. I came across veterinarians who had been showing that vaccines caused a lot of serious side effects, including hemolytic anemia and cancer at the injection sites.

“I had a problem now. I’m a veterinarian, and I’m hurting my patients with these vaccines.”

Dr. Robb began changing the way he did things in his practice. For example, he lengthened the intervals between vaccines, and lowered the dose because it was very clear to him that small pets couldn’t handle the same amount of vaccine as larger animals.

Unfortunately Dr. Robb, with his singular focus on the health of his patients, is a rarity in the Veterinary world.

New vets are required to swear a solemn oath when they finish their degree, “primum non nocere” or “first do no harm”. However in the race for cash, not all of them are following that creed.
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