former councillors Mauger , Uliana, Graham McLaughlin

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Wingecarribee Shire Council
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former councillors Mauger , Uliana, Graham McLaughlin

Post by Wingecarribee Shire Council »

It's appropriate this councillor's election advertising is behind thick wire mesh, as he's gonna end up behind bars one day.

When it came to the illegal witch hunts against former councillors Mauger , Uliana, Graham McLaughlin voted in favour of ejecting the pair from council EVERY SINGLE TIME.

But he had to, he was under instruction.

I've spoken extensively to Uliana and Mauger about the vendettas against them, and there's absolutely no doubt that Councillor McLaughlin was in on the witch hunt, and this is proven beyond doubt in my extensive research of 14 years of council meeting minutes that shows McLaughlin's voting patterns to be highly illegal.

The cherry on the top of this traitor's corruption is his long term friendship and close association with Charlie Johns, a common thief. Johns has been stealing from our community for decades, and he has the protection of a bent police force.

McLaughlin is a representative of the Labor Party – the people's party. But that hasn't stopped him from consorting with common criminals, and I've personally seen Graham and Charlie socialise like the very bestest of friends. What a disgrace.

A few months ago I confronted McLaughlin about his close association with a well known crook, and he failed to respond. By rights he should've acknowledged my correspondence at the very least, and called for an immediate investigation into my serious allegations of corruption on his part.

He failed to do so because he's in the pocket of criminals like Johns and his cohorts.

Everyone knows it, even the police – who can't act on his crimes against the community because he's part of a protected species.

What a disgrace to the Labor Party.
former councillors Mauger ,  Uliana, Graham McLaughlin.jpg
former councillors Mauger , Uliana, Graham McLaughlin.jpg (293.96 KiB) Viewed 5009 times
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