Freenet Antennas products suck

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Freenet Antennas products suck

Post by creampie »

I found the UltraWAP very unreliable. The build quality and firmware software was cheap and nasty. ... 40ee28f874

The UltraWAP failed in Repeater mode also connection in infrustracture mode would freeze up now and then, which we also found many other users having the same problems in networking forums.

We talked to the owner of Freenet Antennas, (Terry Porter) on the phone from day one and he confirmed about the Ultrawap feedback and freezing issues. When we submitted an honest feedback on their website, we noticed they had edited my feedback to blame myself for not knowing how to network an AP.

I had forgotten I had previously reset the AP unit before I called Terry from Freenet Antennas, so I believed Terry Porter in the beginning that it was my fault. Once I realised later that I had reset the unit which resulted in the unit going back to default IP address , I then realised that it was not my fault. ... 984dccc1fd

You can see the edited version of my feedback in the above link, and also some cut and paste work from Whirlpool forums that Terry Porter pasted in the feedback also to con others that it was my fault that the ultrawap did not work.... but the fact is, while I was on the phone with Terry Porter asking for support, I had reset the AP previously, and it went back to the default IP address, which Terry Porter then decided to blame everything on, instead of a faulty Ultrawap.

Here is a link to the original post, you can see how Terry Porter ignores the facts but keeps blaming it on an IP problem that happened from resetting the Ultrawap unit. ... 833598&p=2

if you have read all 4 pages in the above link, you will realise what a conman terry porter (gronkman) is from Freenet Antennas. He tries very hard to convince everyone the products that he resells are brilliant.

The ultraWAP also suffered from heating problems. Value for money the ultraWAP is not worth purchasing. It is very unreliable.

You can buy the Buffalo WHR HP G300N for less, which has more output and receive capabilities. Better build and quality, never over heats. Has Better range and signal, and is far more reliable. Much better firmware/software. Lots of third party firmware like tomato, to extend its capabilities and signal output amplification to an outstanding 1000mW.

Check it out here: ... g300n/Only
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