The Pedolice of Golburn Police Force. Organized Crime syndicate.. no Honor, no Integrity, no Due Process. Covering up Police Assaults and Gov Corporate crimes. Always targeting Aussie battlers, and never the Zionist Elite Corporations.
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Wingecarribee Shire Council
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Post by Wingecarribee Shire Council »

I've just posted the following to the Facebook page of the Hume District Police Division.
Having recently spoken to numerous people in the Highlands who have also suffered corruption by the local police, I'm now going public to tell my story.
I've made dozens of complaints to authorities, all of which have been either whitewashed or covered up.
It's coming up to three years since the dead criminal, Charlie Johns, conspired with crooked cops to stitch me up on fabricated charges and convictions.
Here's the comment I posted to the Hume PD Facebook page –
The crooked cops at Hume District Police Division are such high ranking officers, they’ve thwarted all my attempts to have them investigated for long-term corruption.
Whenever I’ve made complaints to the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission, my grievances have been sent back to the Hume District Police Division for internal investigation, and guess who undertakes those investigations?
The same dirty cops I’m complaining about.
It’s happened three times in the last three years, and it’s really, really frustrating.
But then it dawned on me.
Surely there’s good, clean, honest cops at Hume who can forward my complaints to the Professional Standards Division. (For the sake of my readers who aren’t in the know, the PSD are the police who police the police).
Up till now, the bent cops at Hume (some of them chief inspectors and senior sergeants) have somehow stopped the PSD from investigating my grievances Apparently they’ve got a crooked assistant commissioner on side, and he’s blocked any investigation by the internal affairs division.
And that’s why our community needs you; the good cop.
A cop who’s willing to standup for the 100,000 people in Goulburn and the Southern Highlands, and tell the NSW Police Force hierarchy what’s really going on in our area.
A cop who’s willing to break the thin blue line taboo, and expose dirty, rotten cops (because bent police make all the non-bent police look terrible, while holding them up to ridicule).
A cop that’s willing to take off their ‘police hat’, and put on their ‘member of the community hat’ (and start seeing it from our point of view, the greater community).
And a cop who’s sick of the conduct of bent police in their division and the hypocrisy of it all.
If you’re that type of police officer, then there’s a number of ways you can support your community –
1. Contact the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission LECC (anonymously if you have to), and complain about dirty cops at Hume
2. Contact the Professional Standards Division (PSD) and complain about the bent police in your command (an honest cop’s complaint will be taken much more seriously than a complaint from a private citizen)
3. Complain about police corruption to a senior officer in your division (but be careful who you speak to, they might be one of the bent ones)
4. Talk about the corruption with other honest, law abiding officers, and discuss how it can be addressed and confronted (the bent cops will want you to keep things like this a secret – the thin-blue-line – but by being in the majority of police at Hume, the good cops will have safety in numbers)
5. Contact me, Adam Greenwood, on 0409 871 763, and tell me about your complaints of police corruption (I’d be happy to speak about your crooked colleagues in the public domain, and on your behalf)
6. Contact David Shoebridge MLC, NSW Parliament on (02) 9230 3030. David is the only member of parliament in state politics willing to address police corruption.
7. Stop being apathetic to the police corruption in your precinct. If you’re a career police officer with 20-30 years left to serve, then the corruption is only going to get worse, and along with that corruption comes abuse and threats by the corrupt officers in an attempt to keep the whole thing under wraps. You, as a proud and honest officer of the NSW Police Force, have a duty of care to yourself and your colleagues to maintain a healthy, productive work place while undertaking your duties. Don’t let 3% of corrupt cops at your division ruin your career and that of your officer colleagues.
So we need your help, and urgently.
The corrupt conduct of dirty cops is like a cancer, and it needs to be surgically removed by members of the force. It needs to take place from within.
If you’re a police officer with a partner and family who wants to see out their career working with good cops and supporting the community, then please start fixing that cancer within.
There’s a zero tolerance towards corruption policy with the NSW Police Force.
Please help maintain that policy before the very small minority of bent coppers take an even greater hold.
Adam Greenwood
Ph: 0409 871 763
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