Goulburn NSW Police Assault - Seargant Mathew WOOD

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Goulburn NSW Police Assault - Seargant Mathew WOOD

Post by TEMPEST »

Commonwealth of Australia CIK# 0000805157 SIC#8880 (see all company filings)
http://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar ... efilings=0

NSW POLICE FORCE ABN: 43 408 613 180 is a Corporation Masquerading as Government :-$

The above proves Australia is an American Corporation known as the Commonwealth of Australia, with USA shareholders.
All Corporations deal in contracts and consent with full disclosure... or it is fraud and void.

Maxim of law: ALL LAW is CONTRACT and ONLY CONTRACT makes the LAW.
Maxim of law: No action arises on an immoral contract.
Maxim of law: Sentence is not given upon a thing which is not clear.
Maxim of law: You ought to know with whom you deal.
Maxim of law: He who is silent appears to consent.
Maxim of law: Whenever there is a doubt between liberty and slavery, the decision must be in favor of liberty.
Maxim of law: Statutes made for the public good ought to be liberally construed.
Maxim of law: In default of the law, the maxim rules.

Stopped for a random breath test in Bowral on Moss Vale rd 30/11/2013 at 8.35 pm just after I took my dog for a exhausting run at the bike park.
I could see the flashing lights about 1 km away. I had so many opportunities to turn off the main road into at least 3 side streets, but i had nothing to hide so I stopped.
I didn't consent to any of their adhesion contracts, so they arrested me. :-o

I was hit at the back of my neck by a coward ACTING INSPECTOR SERGEANT MATHEW W. WOOD when I initially came into BOWRAL POLICE STATION , SENSGT MATHEW WOOD kept shouting at me; "put both hands on your side" about 3 times behind my head while I was in front of a high desk waiting for someone to tell me what to do. Another Police officer in the room pointed out to him that I already had my hands on my side. SENSGT MATHEW WOOD got mad and screamed out " put both hands on the desk now!" Then SENSGT MATHEW WOOD hit me from behind at the back of my neck. ( I blacked out for a second) lifted my head off the desk, then he proceeded to walk out of the room. I asked SENCON STUART HARRIS who the person was that hit me and SENCON STUART HARRIS replied "no one hit you,I'm the only one in the room."

Let us hope the audio security recordings don't not go missing. because they will prove their lies, racism, assault, mockery, taunting and anti semitism.

There were no less than 10 Police Officers loitering in the charge room hanging around watching me with grins and laughing at SENCON STUART HARRIS pulling out religious icons out of my wallet and waving the pictures at the other offices and laughing.
Once the assault was over, all the officer left the room, except for SENCON STUART HARRIS... it was as if they were all there waiting for a show as I entered the charge room.. All the Police officers pretended the assault never took place.

Not one Goulburn Police Officer had any honour or integrity that night to ask me if I was alright, nothing was written in their Facts sheet about the assault, or the taunting, intimidation and racist remarks and mocking my religious beliefs.

I contacted ALLEN KEARNEY of Police Integrity Commission. The ICAC, and the pathetic Australian Human Rights Commission. They referred me to the NSW Ombudsman, who have contacted The NSW Police Professional Standards Manager at Southern Region.
I do not expect anything to come from an internal investigation with conflicts of interest.

They also started taunting me and calling me a Muslim because of the Hebrew Talisman around my neck. They even saw me touching the back of my neck where I was assaulted by SENSGT MATHEW W WOOD and SENCON JOHN MCVEY said oh look we hurt him and they all laughed. Then they changed tacticts and started taunting me about Jews. SENCON JOHN MCVEY started saying to me that he hates the Jews, then he looked at SENCON STUART HARRIS and said even CONSTABLE STUART HARRIS here hates Jews with a passion."
Then they started mentioning the war in the middle east and I just couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Then SENCON JOHN MCVEY started saying things about the Queen how she is a shape shifting lizard, and the Jews have draconian blood in them like the Queen. ( I wonder if it had anything to do with a Talisman I was wearing around my neck that had the Star of David, with Hebrew scriptures on it.)

I kept pleading with them for hours to let me call someone to pick up my dogs, but they didn't care for the dogs safety, locked up in a car exhausted from a long run at the Moss Vale bike park, needing water and cooling down. Only about 3 hours later was i allowed to call someone. That is Animal abuse, cruelty.

The same scum would not allow me any water since my mouth and throat was so dry it was hurting to swallow. I think I was suffering from shock from the assault plus I was trembling and scared what they were gonna do to me next. Not until the 4th hour CONSTABLE GAVIN HOLLOWAY asked while i was in the cell if I needed any water.

SENCON STUART HARRIS and SENCON JOHN MCVEY kept ignoring my requests to supply me with legal council. They kept saying, "after this", and "after this" many times.

close to the time I was allowed to leave which would of been just over 4 hours, I was laying down on the long seat in the cell trying to relax, when I started hearing like someone was watching movies in the other room. I could hear laughter and someone shouting, 'not the Bowral profile."
20 minutes later SENCON STUART HARRIS comes into the room and opens the cell door with a grin on his face, the SENCON JOHN MCVEY followed him. SENCON JOHN MCVEY says, we just searched you on the internet. your name is everywhere. You really need help, you have mental issues." I was then told I was allowed to leave.[/color]

Chris Roubis
my boy locked in the car abandoned for about 3 hours by Goulburn police
my boy locked in the car abandoned for about 3 hours by Goulburn police
my Dog.jpg (440.35 KiB) Viewed 19320 times
Anti Semitic NSW Police Force
Anti Semitic NSW Police Force
Anti Semitic NSW Police Force.jpg (196.16 KiB) Viewed 19266 times
locked in the car abandoned for about 3 hours by Goulburn police
locked in the car abandoned for about 3 hours by Goulburn police
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Goulburn Police Anti Semitic

Post by creampie »

Sheena Pillai
Investigation Officer | Police Division | NSW Ombudsman
Level 24, 580 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
P 02 92861030 | F 02 92832911 | E [email protected]
W http://www.ombo.nsw.gov.au

has forwarded my correspondence to:

Ms Tracy Clewett from Goulburn Local Area Command
Suite 2, Level 1,
Cnr of Auburn and Montague Streets
Phone: 02 4823 0399
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Goulburn Police Anti Semitic

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Ms Tracy Clewett from Goulburn Local Area Command
Suite 2, Level 1,
Cnr of Auburn and Montague Streets
Phone: 02 4823 0399

has forwarded my correspondence to:

Inspector John Sheehan, of the Goulburn Local Area Command, investigating officer for Goulburn Police.
John called me this afternoon if I had anything else to add to my case.
I am not expecting the investigation to turn up anything, since it will be a very bias, and with many conflicts of interest in this investigation. Only an independent investigation will be truly unbias and just.
Police investigating their own crimes is a conflict of interest
Police investigating their own crimes is a conflict of interest
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NSW Police assault cover up

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I got a letter from the NSW Police Force today saying my allegations not sustained.
Signed by the Corrupt Evan W Quarmby, Acting Commander, Goulburn Local Area Command.

As I predicted the corrupt inspector John Sheehan decided to take a bias stance and support his work mates and bosses of Goulburn Police. The fact is, This investigation made by Goulburn Police is a conflict of interest.

it's time to make my own case and subpoena into evidence all audio and video footage of officers recordings and security footage in Bowral Police station... they will not get away with it this time!

If Goulburn police admitted that an assault took place, then all the security footage and audio would of been subpoenaed and more officers would of been in huge trouble. Inspector John Sheehan had to put a stop to my assault claims to protect at least 10 other officers that witnessed it including the taunting, intimidation, no due process, animal abuse, anti semitism.
NSW Police assault cover up
NSW Police assault cover up
NSW Police anti semitic assault rejection letter.jpg (372.75 KiB) Viewed 19048 times
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Goulburn Police Anti Semitic

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I just received a Police Statement by Goulburn Police today. Showed it to a family attorney and he laughed his ass off :))

Stuart Harris and John McVey have made such ridiculous allegations against me, adding conversations that never took place, pretending they were not in the room when I was assaulted. Adding conversations to make it look like due process was exercised and that I was the bad guy... alot more stuff that blatantly contradicts their statements, lies and more lies, such a pathetic attempt to win a court case...they are going to look like big fools in court when they get cross examined. :ymparty: They have made my job alot easier \:D/

So excited to go to court and show everyone dumb and dumber of Goulburn Police :o)


If you have a police assault complaint, never complain to the Government Ombudsman or the Police force complaints website... you are only giving police the bullets to fire back at you..

sencon John Mcvey and sencon Stuart Harris of Goulburn Police now have used the information from the assault investigation I submitted, and fabricated and twisted the truth as their evidence for court.

The Police FACTS Sheet on the night of the arrest is different to their fabricated statements that I received yesterday for court. :))

But I have so many things on my side to disprove their ridiculous statements that I cant wait for my day in court :ymbringiton:

My mum told me yesterday when Goulburn Police came over to deliver Stuart Harris and John Mcvey's statement to me for my court hearing, that they asked her what religion she was... she replied Greek orthodox, I wonder how they are going to use that against me in court. :))

Goulburn Police asked mum why didnt Chris attend court on the 6th Jan 2014, mum replied, "because he did nothing wrong, my son does not drink or smoke." \m/
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Goulburn Police Anti Semitic

Post by TEMPEST »

Sorry folks cannot divulge anymore information yet, otherwise I will give the GOULBURN POLICE more ammunition to twist against me :))

I promise I will make all my documents and the police documents public for everyone to laugh at and educate themselves, at the extent that the criminal GOULBURN POLICE will go to discredit you and sweep the Police assault under the rug. :ymapplause:

I promise I will also send them to the media and will do some radio blog interviews B-)
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NSW Police cover up anti semitic assault

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Checkout this letter I received today from the NSW Police Force Subpoena Unit :))
Important part, Second page, Paragraph: Outcome of Public Interest test
NSW Police will not give me CCTV footage or audio recording of Police Officers because it might impede the court proceedings and prejudice any adjudication on the matter. :-o

Isn't that what evidence is meant to do in a courtroom? :))
The Corrupt Officer that made the decision is John Gillam from NSW Polce Subpoena unit.

How does any public citizen get a fair trial when the whole corrupt system always favors those in Government? 8-x
The Police , the courtrooms all get paid by the same mob, so isn't it a conflict of interest?
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Police Integrity Commission corruption

Post by TEMPEST »

Even the Police Integrity Commission wanted nothing to do with the anti semitic assault by NSW police Force
Police Integrity Commission corruption
Police Integrity Commission corruption
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ICAC another useless Government Department of Bureaucrats

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ICAC another useless Government Department of Bureaucrats
ICAC another useless Government Department of Bureaucrats
ICAC another useless Government Department of Bureaucrats
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Australian Human Rights Commission useless

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Even the Australian human Rights Commission didn't want to touch this
Even the Australian human Rights Commission didn't want to touch this
Even the Australian human Rights Commission didn't want to touch this
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Re: Goulburn NSW Police Anti Semitic Assault in Australia

Post by TEMPEST »

People I need subpoena for court to cross examine under oath and threat of perjury.

1) NSW Police Force, Information Access & Subpoena Unit – John GILLAM, for not allowing evidence to go to court.
2) NSW Police Force Goulburn Police- inspector John SHEEHAN – investigator of the Anti Semitic Assault, that denies any assault took place.
3) NSW Police Force Goulburn Police – Seargent Mathew WOOD – that assaulted me.
4) NSW Police Force Goulburn Police – SenCon Stuart HARRIS – anti Semitism, racism, animal cruelty, human rights, no due process
5) NSW Police Force Goulburn Police – SenCon Stuart HARRIS – anti Semitism, racism, animal cruelty, human rights, no due process
6) NSW Local Courts Moss Vale local court – Registrar Peter Ritchie – dishonouring my rebuttals 3 times with no response... thinking It will go away, got news for you... CORPORATE LIEN coming soon.

Anyone Lawyer interested in fighting this corruption with me and making a name for themselves can contact me on:
[email protected]
should police investigate themselves ....jpg
should police investigate themselves ....jpg (135.94 KiB) Viewed 16285 times
Last edited by TEMPEST on Sun Mar 01, 2015 7:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Goulburn NSW Police Animal Cruelty

Post by TEMPEST »


Since my public defender named Michael Doughty, purposely kept stone walling my requests for 7 months, to subpoena security footage of the Police assault from Bowral Police Station, I cannot move forward and charge the Savage Coward Detective Seargant Mathew M. WOOD, as Redfern Legal Centre have informed me that security footage get automaticaly removed after 6 months.

So the deceitful public defender Michael Doughty of Shop 2, Moss Vale Arcade, 348 Argyle Street, Moss Vale NSW 2577, should be avoided at all costs. It is clear who's side he is on.
Communist Zionist dictum- "Accuse the enemy of those crimes you are guilty of."
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