Ampol New Berrima Store - assault and animal cruelty

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Paedophile Geoff Hanratty?

Post by creampie »

Poor evil zionist Geoff Hanratty upset he has to built a new safe dog enclosure by orders of the RSPCA :ymdevil:

The chook wire fence just wont cut it anymore..
Geoff Hanratty Paedophile of New BErrima.jpg
Geoff Hanratty Paedophile of New BErrima.jpg (655.59 KiB) Viewed 27574 times
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Why the Hanratty Family hate me so much

Post by creampie »

2 years ago, when my family was hunting for some more investment properties to make more money, they showed me 3 lots that they were interested in buying next door to Karens General Store of horrors in New Berrima.

That day was a heat wave going on, in the 40's + Celsius. We decided to drive through the back lane, so we can get some house ideas e.g design, driveway and fencing.

As we finished up discussing things we drove past the back of the General Store, and I saw 2 dogs chained to a shipping container on 1/2 meter length of chain.. there was no shade and no bowls of water for them. I said to my sister, there is no way I was not going to report this.

So the Hanrattys knew me too well even before I moved into my home. If I never reported the Hanrattys to the RSPCA, their backyard would still be filled with beaten up cars rusting away and piles of junk... the place really looked like a Rubbish Tip or Junk Yard. You locals know what I am talking about. (-|

Once I moved into my home, I was told by Geoff Hanratty that I should park around the back or a Truck might side swipe my car... I thought, there is plenty of room for the biggest Prime Mover to drive past.. Then I realised his bloodline where working for Mutliquip Transport and have been filling up their trucks for years, with their huge long trailers still attached..which was totally illegal.

Anyway I started parking at the back, only to get tree sap and other crap dropped onto my car, mixed with Boral's Cement Dust, my cars paintwork was blackened all over... because next door neighbours tree covers my whole backyard. Council will be dealing with that soon if Hanratty wont trim his tree soon.

So the only place to park legally was outside my home on the public road like normal people do... but that was something the Hanratty family hated, because his Multiquip Transport pals enjoyed the privilege of driving on Argyle street illegally for years... and ruining our roads.

You can look above this forum thread and see all the other illegal activities Hanratty family has been up to.. and I have reported to EPA NSW, to Wingecarribee Council, to Bowral police and to Goulburn MP.... no wonder Hanratty is losing his mind, full of hatred and spite. =))

Karens General Store has been going downhill over the years.. and Hanrattys are so desperate to hold it together :))

Maybe they should all do a class in Business Management :(|) LOL they definitely don't have the mentality for it.

A normal person does not throw rocks at other people.
A normal person does not damage neighbors property.
A normal person does not take down other peoples security cameras.
A normal person does not Harass, intimidate, mentally abuse, threaten, stalk and order 3 truckies to take care of neighbor.
A normal person doesn't try to run over neighbors cat.
A normal person doesn't illegally extend a 6 foot fence to 10 feet.
A normal person does not fiddle with children.
A normal person does not neglect their own pets.
A normal person does not run his own business into the ground
A normal person does not pressure wash oil, petrol diesel onto neighbors properties and drains.
A normal person does not let his fuel bowser keep leaking fuel over the years, leeching into the concrete and soil to end up in our water table and Wingecarribee river.
A normal person does not order people to move their vehicle off a council road, when filling up.. because the quicker he can get customers to fill up, the less fuel he loses leaking into the soil.
A normal person does not get involved in drug dealing for years in the Southern Highlands. Goulburn/Bowral Police know all about the father and son team... only Daniel Hanratty got busted. Geoff Hanratty wasn't man enough to own up, so he sacrificed his own son.

leaking fuel so fill up quickly.jpg
leaking fuel so fill up quickly.jpg (1.67 MiB) Viewed 27520 times
Stay safe folks and keep your kids away from the Kiddy Fiddler Geoff Hanratty...
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New Berrima Karens General Store animal cruelty and drug dealers

Post by creampie »

Hanrattys dogs escaped again, this time it was tonight. But I dont complain and bitch like Karen Hanratty does when my dog is out the front of the footpath peeing... like all customers dogs do.. but Geoff Hanratty loves to target my own dog and try to kick it in the guts when I'm not looking.

These lovely creatures are a joy to watch and play with.
New Berrima Karens General Store dogs escaped again
New Berrima Karens General Store dogs escaped again
dogs escaped again 05.04.2016.jpg (1.54 MiB) Viewed 27504 times
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New Berrima Karens General Store animal cruelty and drug dealers

Post by creampie »

Karen Hanratty's Dogs escaped again this morning.

These dogs are so unhappy they try to leave any chance they get... and I don't blame them. :o3
new berrima general store dogs escape again 06.04.2016..jpg
new berrima general store dogs escape again 06.04.2016..jpg (1.47 MiB) Viewed 27461 times
new berrima general store dogs escape again 06.04.2016.jpg
new berrima general store dogs escape again 06.04.2016.jpg (1.3 MiB) Viewed 27461 times
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Re: New Berrima Karens General Store animal cruelty and drug dealers

Post by creampie »

Rawson Homes illegal fence now extends to 9 feet.
Built by zionist freemason criminal Geoff Hanratty of New Berrima NSW General Store
Rawson Homes illegal fence now extends to 9 feet..jpg
Rawson Homes illegal fence now extends to 9 feet..jpg (1.3 MiB) Viewed 26565 times
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Re: New Berrima Karens General Store animal cruelty and drug dealers

Post by creampie »

Thank you Wingecarribee Council for putting down clearway sign on the road outside our properties this morning at 10.30 am. :-bd

This should stop Hanratty red necks and shop clients (whats left of them =)) ) from blocking our own driveways.

Photos below showing Katie Hanratty and Karen Hanratty looking very unhappy :))

Don't know why Katie Hanratty is taking photos. No use complaining to the Council. 8-}

Hanratty family is well known for vandalizing removing street signs in the area over the years..

So if this gets damaged or painted on, we will know who did it.
Katie Hanratty and Karen hanratty taking photos of stay clearway..jpg
Katie Hanratty and Karen hanratty taking photos of stay clearway..jpg (1.85 MiB) Viewed 26408 times
Katie Hanratty and Karen hanratty taking photos of stay clearway.jpg
Katie Hanratty and Karen hanratty taking photos of stay clearway.jpg (1.68 MiB) Viewed 26408 times
clearway sign on road.jpg
clearway sign on road.jpg (1.67 MiB) Viewed 26398 times
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Re: New Berrima Karens General Store animal cruelty and drug dealers

Post by creampie »

Installing my new security camera system today. 2 Megapixel Sony CMOS. :D

If I am happy with the system, will be getting more around the house.

it has face recognition and license plate recognition software. It can auto scan and auto track objects at 355 degrees... 40 degrees per second. It has auto focus and auto zoom. :D

You can adjust the size of the object you want to track or record.. so it can ignore moths birds and cats etc.

It can detect objects at 90 degrees, before they even get in front of the lens...

It can automatically switch off IR when it senses too much light, so the number plate light does not blind the camera in night mode. Like many night vision cameras today suffer. :))

State of the art system, that took me a while to find and research, with the specifications that I wanted... :ymparty:
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Re: New Berrima Karens General Store animal cruelty and drug dealers

Post by creampie »

This security system has taken me hours upon hours to fiddle and experiment with.

Finally works the way I want it to.

Now I can get back to business making money on the foreign exchange market.
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Re: New Berrima Karens General Store animal cruelty and drug dealers

Post by creampie »

Rawson Homes shame page is up and running.

Please like. ... 360748330/
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New Berrima General Store of Horrors outside camera locations.

Post by creampie »

I have had some people message me, so I decided to make this list:

For those concerned of being recorded without their consent on public property.

Position 1: Just before you enter the front shop door, look up and to the right. Just above the public footpath.This camera records everyone that walks along the public footpath, all the way to the next door neighbors property.

Position 2: this camera is located on the front end of the shop awning. Just above the public road. It records everyone that walks and drives on Argyle street public road.

Position 3: located on the right side rear of shops eaves. This camera records anyone walking across the public footpath/ driveway.

Position 4: located under the top rear of shops back wall. Just under their rear spot light, and tv antenna. this camera records anyone walking along the public rear lane way.

Position 5: Located near the rear shop door. this camera records anyone on the right side of the property, especially over looking the dog enclosure.

Position 6: located on the left side of shop property. this camera records anyone along the left side of public footpath near the gas tanks.


missed this one till i saw it at night glowing at me walking the dog.

Position 7: Located left side of front door entrance, over public footpath.
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Re: AUSPOST New Berrima General Store assault and animal cruelty

Post by Rev. Chris Roubis »

Thanks to myself calling RSPCA through the years, these dogs now have a new safe enclosure.

More food and water.

Better shelter from the elements.

Better environment to roam in.

Karen Hanratty, family and friends are very vindictive towards me because of RSPCA forcing them to get their act together, and providing their dogs with a safe environment to live in..

When I first moved in next door to New Berrima general Store, their backyard looked like a wrecking yard.

They had 7 smashed up vehicles all rusting away.

They had broken busted up white goods etc all over the backyard, piles of construction waste, glass and asbestos, you couldn't walk bare footed.

Lets put it this way, Moss Vale Rubbish tip looked cleaner, neater and more respectable than the backyard of New Berrima Store.

More on the General Store New Berrima criminals continues here: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1747 :o3

Here is a separate forum dedicated to the Karen Hanratty family of bullies, stalkers and neighbourhood terrorists. viewforum.php?f=41 :-bd
New Berrima Store animal cruelty.jpg
New Berrima Store animal cruelty.jpg (66.3 KiB) Viewed 17740 times
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Re: New Berrima Store AusPost - assault and animal cruelty

Post by SteveW »

Why can't Karen Hanratty surrender the poor dogs do a good loving home?
I would take them in an instant. Karen Hanratty you are pure evil.

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