Berrima Communications the great Conman of the Southern Highlands

Michael Darby & Vanessa Darby Notorious Sexual Predators Stalkers & Neighbourhood Peeping Tom.. Part of the New Berrima Store family of zionist criminals.
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Berrima Communications the great Conman of the Southern Highlands

Post by TEMPEST »

when we were on speaking terms, I used to talk to Mick on his testing ch 20... when he was in his shed trying to fix a radio.
Because we are only a few doors from each other, he could talk to me using just his dummy load test equipment.

He would go on and on at the same radio for days and days.. he would tell me he replaced this and that, but still not working properly.. next day, he replaces more and more, and tells me still not running right. Next day again the same , and so on and on.

He wasn't afraid to show me what an amateur he was... I used to shake my head, everytime I heard him on channel 20, saying testing 1 2, testing 1 2, and blowing into the microphone for days on end. =))

If that doesn't keep you away from Berrima Communications folks, then read the rest of the forums about Michael John Darby. :ar!

Here's an example of what I'm talking about folks.

When I became friends with the great pretender Michael john Darby from Berrima Communications, he found out about my talents and asked me to be his partner and work for him.

the first thing Mick gave me to fix was a musicians 2 channel audio amp. It was sitting in his too hard basket for months on end.

Mick told me he's been trying to get the 2nd channel to work for months. He said he replaced all the capacitors, then all the transistors and still nothing.
He said its got 2 identical circuit board and components, 1 channel works but the other doesn't. I can't understand whats wrong with it.

I thought to myself how dumb is this guy, he has an amplifier with a good working channel and components that he could get reference voltages etc from, so he can identify the fault of the bad channel and get it working again... 8-} :))

Anyway, as Mick opened the amp up for me, I made sure Mick didn't screw up soldering the caps and transistors to begin with.
Then I asked him for the circuit diagram so I can make sure the circuit board is getting the proper voltage into it.... sure enough, what was supposed to be 70v input was reading 150v.

It only took me under 30 minutes to realise the power supply for ch 2 was faulty.

Mick had a big smile on his face. He quickly got on the phone to the client and made some story that it took him months to have some free time to be able to look at his amp, and told the client that he opened it up today and found the problem :))
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Berrima Communications the great Conman of the Southern Highlands

Post by creampie »

The sexual predator and sociopath Michael John Darby that stalks and threatens peoples wives.. while his wife Vanessa Darby gets turned on watching her hubby watch kiddie porn on the internet, in his shed, using a crypted VPN connection for anonymity, at 13 Argyle Street New Berrima. :ymsick:

Anyone that gets turned on watching under 18 year olds, is a pedo in my books. :ymsick:
The sexual predator and sociopath Michael John Darby at BERRIMA COMMUNICATIONS.jpg
The sexual predator and sociopath Michael John Darby at BERRIMA COMMUNICATIONS.jpg (155.17 KiB) Viewed 9607 times
pedophile jews.jpg
pedophile jews.jpg (66.57 KiB) Viewed 9589 times
The only thing necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to stay silent.
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Berrima Communications the great Conman of the Southern Highlands

Post by creampie »

Mick attacked me again on his repeater today. Good to see how threatened Mick feels about me =))

He switched his repeater off when he realised he couldn't shut me up using his 300w high powered equipment to talk over me.. so the next best thing was to turn off his repeater.

The first thing Mick always does is try to do is intimidate, then defame his opponents, he has a lot to prove..

It's the bogan / slumdog mentality... always calling me out and saying im such a coward.. but I'm not the one that damaged my vehicle or used 3rd party junkie friends to damage my property.

Police Event # E61410917
police Event #61980064

Goulburn NSW Police know Michael John Darby very well over the years, and its not because Mick used to do some radio repairs for the Police.. that's something Mick likes to tell everyone, and is completely false. Don't you think they have had their own dept for that? even back in the early years. duh! 8-}

Always calling me a coward because I don't talk to him face to face :))
I have nothing to prove Mick, but you obviously have alot.

Maybe Mick needs to look closely in the mirror and see who is the real coward... that uses 3rd part people to do his dirty deeds.

Maybe Mick needs to look closely in the mirror and see who is the real coward... when he stalks me as I go to the dog park to walk the dog.. and Mick waits till I'm 500 mtrs away from my vehicle , so Mick can damage it without getting caught.

Mick your 200kgs and I'm only 70 kgs.. why are you and your junkie pals from southwestsydney so afraid and threatened by me =))

Interesting that Mick mentioned my Facebook timeline on the airwaves today, I have blocked Mick and his wife Vanessa from seeing it.. but I havent blocked his junkie spawn son and daughter from it yet.. I think I will just make it private, that way his filthy spawn and other kin cannot view anything on it anymore. :-bd
Mick from Berrima Communications the great Pretender..jpg
Mick from Berrima Communications the great Pretender..jpg (386.73 KiB) Viewed 9575 times
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Re: Berrima Communications the great Pretender of the Southern Highlands

Post by TEMPEST »

This is Mick when the Australian Federal Police, ATO, Cetrelink, and all the men & women he has stalked and harassed come for him.

Communist Zionist dictum- "Accuse the enemy of those crimes you are guilty of."
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Re: Berrima Communications the great Conman of the Southern Highlands

Post by TEMPEST »

Sexual Predator and conman Mick from Berrima Communications has now officialy admitted to an AVO - Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) against him for the damage to my vehicle, stalking, harassing, threats, and damage to my property.

He admits it on the airwaves and in a recording i thought was switched on, about getting paperwork today and reading the AVO's details, especially where he is not allowed to be.. so he doesn't breach the AVO rules. Listen to the ending of the recording below that I managed to record..

He got info about some of my family members that were witnesses. So Mick decides to mention them in some of the recordings I managed to get. :o)

He would of had to surrender all his guns and gun license :-bd
Well ... the registered ones anyway.

Mick on the air talking to himself again tonight, threatening me about the AVO ... not happy that Goulburn NSW Police took his guns away =))

Mick telling me on the air, even though I wasn't talking, that it is only going to get worse for me..

He said, "since you started it, I am going to finish it." =))

Michael John Darby (Mick) said, " the AVO says I cannot go near your place or your vehicle, but I can go to the dog park and everywhere else.

Go ahead Michael john Darby, lets see what happens when you damage my property or vehicle again.. now that you have an AVO against you :ymapplause:

You deserve jail time.. the inmates will call you the 200 kilo big bubba predator.. the coward of Southern highlands, that's too wimpy to hurt me in person, but has to call friends from 100 kms away, to go after my property instead.

Mick's criminal world is slowly crumbling beneath him. :-h

If anyone wants to have a laugh at Mick's failed attempt today of carefully threatening me, and some of my family members, who don't even know this guy, should click on the link below =))

Just listen to the this Mad Man rambling 8-x

The only thing Michael John Darby is good at, is story telling... and he makes good money out of it .. TAX Free :ar! ... erved..mp3

So sad hes such a wimpy coward, I bet Mick is going to call his junkie mates again 100kms away, to come over and damage my property once more. Or get his wife and children again to write up stories about me on the net. 8-x

I must admit, Mick does have a natural gift of defaming and putting people down, especially his opponents, e.g. other businesses in the area, because he isn't getting their clients. =)) and we all know why that is.. THE BUTCHER OF BERRIMA!
Communist Zionist dictum- "Accuse the enemy of those crimes you are guilty of."
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