Peter Nelson sacked Councillor

Defying Defamation for exposing the zionist criminals in Wingecarribee Shire Council. All articles have been copied and pasted from social media pages without permission.
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Wingecarribee Shire Council
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Peter Nelson sacked Councillor

Post by Wingecarribee Shire Council »

Peter Nelson
Sacked Councillor
Kirkham St, Moss Vale. 2577.

Peter Nelson,
You’re a criminal, and you’re going to jail.

A public inquiry into the Wingecarribee Shire Council will expose you for long-term entrenched corruption. You’re nothing but a crook.
The attached document showcases one aspect of your criminality.

In the lead up to the 2016 council elections, your group ticket employed Jock Sowter as its campaign manager. Jock is the son of Murray Sowter, the notorious Coomungie developer.

It’s illegal for candidates to use the son of a developer as their campaign manager. You knew this at the time, and that’s why you failed to declare Jock Sowter’s role in your bid for election. It had to be kept a deep dark secret.

Duncan Gair was the number one candidate on your ticket. He failed to declare Jock Sowter’s role in the campaign, Keep Duncan Gair There, because he knew that to do so would immediately disqualify him from debating and voting on motions involving Coomungie. The Sowters were desperate for Duncan to vote in favour of their development, because by 2016, the development had already been knocked back by council three times.

Duncan’s failure to declare Jock’s role in his 2016 campaign for more than 5 years – while also voting in favour of the Sowter development during that time – was illegal. It constituted systemic corruption, and according to the ICAC Act of 1988, systemic corruption is a crime.
As a former WSC Manager of Governance for 15 years, you would’ve known that Duncan and yourself were breaking the law by not declaring Jock Sowter’s role in your campaign. The fact you’ve maintained that deception is also indicative of how corrupt you really are. You’re still maintaining the ruse to this day.

As a councillor, you are guilty of serious code of conduct violations –

a) You have criminally conspired with Duncan Gair by employing the son of a developer to run your election campaign with the intention of gaining public office by nefarious means

b) You have brought the council into disrepute by failing to declare a major conflict of interest which is in breach of the ICAC Act of 1988 and the Local Government Act of 1993

c) You have abused your position as a councillor by concealing your very close connection with a family of developers who had their farmland illegally rezoned at an eventual profit of $75,000,000 to the family

d) You have broken your oath of office in which you have failed to represent the best interests of our community, having taken part in illegal activities while in office for your own nefarious purposes

As part of an ongoing campaign to put you behind bars, I’ll be calling on people in the Southern Highlands to provide me with their own accounts of your corruption. There’s been quite a few people already, but I’m absolutely certain there’s others in the community who’ll now come forward after the initiation of a public inquiry.

Peter, I don’t think you’ll do well in jail.

You’re not a young man anymore.

I would encourage you to seek legal support with the aim of handing yourself in, and relying on the mercy of the court when it comes to being sentenced for your crimes.

The evidence of your corruption is overwhelming, and there’s plenty more out there.

Now’s the time to get in early and dob in your crooked mates.

It’ll help get you a lesser, non-custodial sentence.
Or it’s jail.

Please contact me anytime on 0409 871 763 if you need me to go into more detail about your corruption.
I’ll also be submitting this evidence to the Commissioner of the Public Inquiry.
Adam Greenwood
Ph: 0409 871 763
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