500 homes for refugee boat people in the Highlands

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500 homes for refugee boat people in the Highlands

Postby creampie » Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:37 pm

They are building 500 homes in the Southern Highlands for the (refugees) boat people. Shame they cannot do the same to those already homeless X(




http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/andr ... at_people/

This is the ludicrous point we’ve come to - that thousands of Australian homes must be turned into hoarding hostels for the boat people that Labor stupidly lured over:

THE Federal Government will pay families up to $300 a week to look after asylum seekers in their homes as arrivals pour into the country…

Under a plan slated to start next month, the Government will seek to access 5000 homes registered under the privately-run Australian Homestay Network.

The AHN was originally established to provide short-term private home accommodation and board for international students…

The Department of Immigration confirmed it will pay for security vetting and training for families who want to take up the offer.

It will also pay a weekly stipend of between $220 and $300 to cover board and food.

The guarantees of security clearances don’t seem worth that much, given this ABC report last night:

Two Immigration Department insiders have broken ranks to reveal to 7.30 serious claims of frequent and widespread fraud in visa applications. The allegations relate to family visa claims from Afghanistan and Pakistan. And while Immigration officials often detect the fraud, in many cases they’re over-ruled on appeal. They say it’s even led to child trafficking on Australian soil.

At least we know that the people so keen to damn Australia as racist and unwelcoming to boat people will, of course, be the first to give up their homes.

Wonder whether there will ever be a similar program to help our own homeless?
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