Serial CB radio pest receives unprecedented sentence

Michael Darby & Vanessa Darby Notorious Sexual Predators Stalkers & Neighbourhood Peeping Tom.. Part of the New Berrima Store family of zionist criminals.
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Serial CB radio pest receives unprecedented sentence

Post by Johnno »

Serial CB radio pest receives unprecedented sentence

An Adelaide man has been sentenced to nine months’ imprisonment today in the Adelaide District Court for unlawfully operating and possessing radiocommunications devices. The sentence has been suspended in favour of a two year good behaviour bond; all equipment used in the commission of the offence has been forfeited to the Commonwealth by order of the Court.

The conviction is the harshest penalty yet handed down for such an offence.

It follows an investigation by the Australian Communications and Media Authority into allegations of abuse and harassment by Mr John Alexander Kiss while operating on the Citizen Band Radio Service (CBRS) in the Adelaide area.

Mr Kiss pleaded guilty in February 2015 to one count of unlicensed operation and two counts of unlawful possession of radiocommunications devices under sections 46 and 47 of the Radiocommunications Act 1992.

‘This is an important outcome for the CBRS community, the vast majority of whom use the CBRS in a responsible and appropriate fashion,’ said ACMA Chairman, Chris Chapman.

‘The CBRS is there to benefit all Australians. It is not a platform for individuals to target and abuse other legitimate users. While we recognise that CB users’ behaviour can vary, Mr Kiss’s contraventions were so severe that regulatory intervention was needed,’ Mr Chapman added.

Information about how to report the unlicensed operation or unlawful possession of a radiocommunications device is available here. ... _term=here

The matter was successfully prosecuted by the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions.
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