Cancer Cure: The Story About Graviola and Cancer

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Cancer Cure: The Story About Graviola and Cancer

Post by creampie »

Thank you for visiting this website. In appreciation I would like you to have some free booklets on cancer from the NCI if you do not mind reading them. Get the one called What You Need to Know About Cancer. It is 66 pages. Then just look at the other booklets that are about the different types of cancer. Get the other booklets you want and as long as you get 20 or less, then they pay all shipping costs, meaning no cost to you.
This webpage lists different categories of publications. Some are only to view or print. Go down to where it says PUBLICATION FORMAT and under that click on BOOKLET/PAMPHLET. Go to this NCI webpage for free publications. Find the booklet you want and click ORDER. Then in the pop up window click ADD TO CART. Repeat for each booklet. Then at the top it says SHOPPING CART with the number of booklets you picked. Click that. Then at bottom click CHECK OUT and enter name and address. The only required fields (others are optional) are your name and address. Then, at bottom, click VERIFY and make sure that your address is correct. Then, at bottom, click SUBMIT ORDER.

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is one of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In 1998, the NIH created the 27th NIH, the NCCAM, the National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine. It studies the health benefits of natural dietary supplements.

The NCI receives over two billion dollars annually in federal funds. Call them at 1-800-4-CANCER and get free information on any type of cancer. They tested over 20,000 different plants and found that the leaves of the graviola tree, that grows in the Amazon rainforest, can kill cancer cells. In other words, it is a cancer cure.

They sent this information to the drug companies. A drug company spent millions of dollars testing graviola and found it to be the "magic bullet." That is something that would kill only cancer cells, but not the healthy cells. In other words, the drug company determined that graviola is a cure for cancer.

The current ways to treat cancer are cut, poison and burn. Cutting is much more effective than the others. If someone has breast cancer, just cut it off. A medical study showed that people with cancer that were treated with radiation (burning) got no better results than people who got no treatment at all. Chemotherapy makes people sick. The most popular drug for breast cancer causes uterine cancer.

The Protestant bible (New International Version) says "All the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations." (Revelation 22:2) The Catholic bible (The New American Bible) says "the leaves of the trees serve as medicine for the nations." (Revelations 22:2)

This drug company was unable to replicate the 2 active chemicals. Were these undiscovered vitamins or minerals? No, they are phytochemicals called annonaceous acetogenins. Chemicals can be patented so that no one else can sell them, but herbs that exist in nature cannot be patented. So no one is going to spend $15 million to do the studies to get FDA approval to claim that graviola cures cancer.

Purdue University and/or its staff have filed at least 9 U.S. and/or international patents on their work around the antitumorous and insecticidal properties and uses of these acetogenins. Three separate research groups have isolated novel compounds in the seeds and leaves of graviola which have demonstrated significant anti-tumorous, anticancerous and selective toxicity against various types of cancer cells, publishing 8 laboratory studies on their findings. Much of Purdue University's research on annonaceous acetogenins was funded by the NCI and/or the NIH.

The head Purdue pharmacologist in Purdue's research explains that cancer cells that survive chemotherapy may develop resistance to the agent used against them as well as other, even unrelated, drugs (known as multi-drug resistance [MDR]). Purdue researchers reported that annonaceous acetogenins preferentially killed multi-drug resistant cancer cells because it blocked production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Purdue researchers found that leaves from the graviola tree killed cancer cells "among six human cell lines."

Graviola is very aggressive at breaking up tumors. It appears that, as with many health problems, the body (in its wisdom) is trying to protect itself by creating a tumor to encase the toxins that can harm the body. Breaking up the tumor releases toxins back into the body, making the person feel very sick. When tumors are surgically removed, this also takes out the toxins which why this is the most effective medical treatment for cancer.

Graviola has been known to kill intestinal parasites, calm nerves, reduce blood pressure and help arthritis, heart and liver. Money does not grow on trees but the cure for cancer does.

In addition to using graviola leaves, see Natural Cures for the best foods to eat and other things to do while fighting off or trying to prevent cancer.

Best Graviola Formula to Use

Below are different brands of graviola. I feel that the best formula to use comes from a company that has been selling herbs from the Amazon rainforest for over 17 years. This formula is 40% graviola and 60% other herbs that help the body get rid of toxins, strengthen the immune system and help the body recover from sickness.

It has been found that some companies have an herb on the label but actually substitute a cheaper one. If you look, you will see that of the couple that owns this company, one of them is a very famous celebrity.

Here is the product that has a liquid in a capsule with no alcohol (new technology). Each capsule of these replaces 3 of the ones that they used that had powder in them. Note that you always pay the preferred price. Ignore the suggested retail price, unless you want to sell them from a store for this price.

If someone does not like to swallow a capsule, they can use this same formula in a liquid form. It contains alcohol to keep it as good as new for at least 2 years. These 2 products have a one year unconditional moneyback guarantee. This means that you can return them for any reason. On this webpage the links are in blue and underlined.

Here is a quick English lesson about something that MDs and PhDs always get wrong. Plant foods like oranges or ginger root are not capitalized and that includes plant foods that you have never heard of like yumberry fruit. The Haas avocado is capitalized since a person by the name of Haas patented this avocado tree. The above herbs are plant foods.

Latest News October 2008
Broccoli sprouts are said to be 20 times better than broccoli in preventing cancer. Four ounces of broccoli sprouts cost about $2.50. Then you can get the same size for about $4.50. The latter is Brocco Sprouts� broccoli sprouts. The John Hopkins University School of Medicine found that the sulforaphane GS (sgs�) in broccoli sprouts "may reduce the risk of cancer, a disease of many factors" according to their group, the Brassica Foundation. So they bred broccoli high in this phytochemical and patented it. Sulforaphane is a phytochemical like annonaceous acetogenins.

Graviola selectively kills colon cancer cells at "10,000 times the potency of Adriamycin." That is a very effective chemotherapy drug. Graviola is extremely effective in isolating and killing lung cancer cells. According to one study conducted at Catholic University of South Korea, scientists discovered that two chemicals extracted from graviola seeds targeted and killed malignant breast and colon cells in a test tube.

In at least 20 laboratory tests since the 1970s, graviola has been proven to hunt down and kill cancer cells in the prostate, lung, breast, colon and pancreas. Purdue researchers found that leaves from the graviola tree kills cancer cells "among six human-cell lines" and are especially effective against prostate and pancreatic cancer cells.

Information on Cancer Treatment
Dr. Alan Levin, Professor of Immunology, University of California Medical School, 1987 says "Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon or lung cancers. The fact has been documented for over a decade.... Women with breast cancer are likely to die faster with chemotherapy than without it. From this website.

Only 2 to 3 percent of the nearly one-half million Americans diagnosed of cancer every year are being saved by chemotherapy, according to Dr. John Cairns of the Harvard University School of Public Health. Dr. Levin, at a national conference on medical abuses, said: Practicing physicians are intimidated into using regimes which they know do not work. One of the most glaring examples is chemotherapy, which does not work for the majority of cancers. Despite the fact that most physicians agree that chemotherapy is largely ineffective, they are coerced into using it by special interest groups which have vested interest in the profits of the drug industry."

In the book Dissent in Medicine - Nine Doctors Speak Out (1985), Dr Alan Levin writes: "Health care in the United States has become a mega-billion-dollar business. It is responsible for over 12 percent of the gross national product. Revenues from the health industry, which currently exceed $360 billion a year, are second only to those of the defense industry."

"Pharmaceutical companies, by enlisting the aid of influential academic physicians, have gained control of the practice of medicine in the United States." "Young physicians are offered research grants by drug companies. Medical schools are given large sums of money for clinical trials and basic pharmaceutical research."

"Drug companies regularly host lavish dinner and cocktail parties for groups of physicians. They provide funding for the establishment of hospital buildings, medical school buildings, and 'independent' research institutes." Dr Levin is also a recipient of fellowships and awards from Harvard Medical School and other medical institutions, and was Director of various research laboratories. From this other website.

If you think that modern medicine is out to help people, read this from Wikipedia. It tells about a drug company that paid $1.2 billion in a lawsuit and the director of the CIA became the director of this company.

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Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer so I cannot give legal advice. I am not a doctor so I cannot give medical advice. The FDA has not reviewed this page or site. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure a disease. I believe in educating instead of medicating. When it comes to medical decisions about you, you have the final, ultimate authority. Here is humor therapy. The doctor said that I had diabetes. I told him that I wanted a second opinion. He said "OK, you are also ugly!"

This very comprehensive book below, Cancer-free, tells all about graviola and has other things to do to help cure cancer. Suzanne Somers has interviewed doctors that are curing cancer without chemotherapy. It is in her new book below, Knockout.
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