How honest cops were hounded out of the NSW Police Force

The Pedolice of Golburn Police Force. Organized Crime syndicate.. no Honor, no Integrity, no Due Process. Covering up Police Assaults and Gov Corporate crimes. Always targeting Aussie battlers, and never the Zionist Elite Corporations.
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Rev. Chris Roubis
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How honest cops were hounded out of the NSW Police Force

Post by Rev. Chris Roubis »

Here's what happens when NSW Police Officers decide to become Good Cops.
They get discredited, defamed and kicked out of the NSW Police Force.

How honest cops were hounded out of the NSW Police Force
Police comfort their colleagues at the funeral of Detective Inspector Ken Henderson in Newcastle in 2001. Picture Robert McKell.jpg
Police comfort their colleagues at the funeral of Detective Inspector Ken Henderson in Newcastle in 2001. Picture Robert McKell.jpg (43.05 KiB) Viewed 5931 times

Rhian Deutrom
The Australian
12:00AM March 14, 2017

It’s just before the lunch hour rush in a small cafe in inner-city Sydney as the man known as ­Officer H recounts the series of events which effectively ended his career in the NSW Police Force.

It’s difficult to imagine that the confident, capable man sipping a coffee across the table is still reeling from the aftershocks of events from a decade ago, which sub­jected him to two years of phone taps conducted using unlawful ­warrants.

With the phone taps came 11 integrity tests — including one ­incident when an investigator forced $100 into his hand in an ­attempt to prove him corrupt.

The investigations shattered Officer H’s dream of becoming a superintendent or an assistant commissioner and left him with post-traumatic stress disorder.

He was one of more than 100 police officers targeted by Taskforce Mascot, an operation run by the NSW Crime Commission using officers seconded from police ranks between 1999-2001.

The fallout from Mascot and the inquiries that followed has left a trail of broken careers, failed marriages, psychological scarring and suicide attempts.

It has also engulfed two of the leading candidates to succeed Andrew Scipione as NSW Police Force Commissioner.

Last week it emerged that dozens of serving and former NSW Police Force officers had never been told they were the subject of corruption allegations when they were named on court warrants authorising their surveillance.

Mr Scipione issued an apology to two former officers last week over the surveillance.

Office H last month wrote to Premier Gladys Berejiklian asking “whether an apology … will be made to me and whether I will ­receive appropriate compensation”. It was the second such ­letter she has received.

The passage of a decade has not dulled the impact of the internal investigations for Officer H. His gaze darts around the cafe and he speaks in quiet tones.

“They recorded my private conversations, they put me under enormous pressure, and then to find out later what they did was completely illegal was just devastating,” he said.

“I never did anything illegal and to find out what Mascot did to me was devastating.”

Another distinguished senior officer told The Australian the pressure of his involvement with a later inquiry into the conduct of Mascot left him psychologically scarred. “Living and working constantly under suspicion for 15 years is not good for anyone’s health,” he said.

He still receives regular psychiatric support.

Mascot was established in 1999 — in the aftermath of the Wood Royal Commission — a joint effort between the NSW Crime Commission, state police and ultimately the NSW Police Integrity Commission to investigate allegations of corruption in the force. A small team of young, ­enthusiastic investigators driven by commanders from the Special Crime and Internal Affairs unit was formed and operated under complete secrecy. The investigators, who included Catherine Burn, now Deputy Commissioner, as a senior officer, took to their work with gusto, identifying allegedly dubious officers and proposing warrants to catch them in dishonest actions.

Evidence to an inquiry into the internal investigations suggested police informants were sent out with listening devices strapped to their chests or fitted inside cigarette packets. Integrity tests were conducted on officers with clean records and, in some cases, on police personnel who had personal differences with Mascot ­operation leaders.

When complaints began surfacing about misconduct within Mascot, another internal police investigation was established in 2003, codenamed Strike Force Emblems. That group also operated in secrecy, to investigate allegations of illegal bugging of officers by Taskforce Mascot.

But the team’s work was stymied by the refusal of the NSW Crime Commission to hand over the affidavits used to secure the court warrants authorising the surveillance. Eventually the small group of Emblems officers were told to pack up and return to their posts. Thrust back into their previous offices with mates they had investigated, those officers also have suffered untold pain since.

Nearly a decade after ­Emblems stalled, the government ordered the NSW Ombudsman to inquire into the whole affair — an investigation named Operation Prospect which cost $12 million and spanned four years from 2012.

Prospect, too, became mired in controversy. Former deputy commissioner Nick Kaldas, a possible candidate for the commissioner’s post, has launched action in the Supreme Court to have adverse findings against him overturned, a move the Acting Ombudsman John McMillan is “actively engaged in defending”. Kaldas was one of more than a dozen people illegally bugged by Mascot.

The Prospect report made several findings against him, claiming he received internal police information without complying with official protocols and failed to report that he had received confidential documents anonymously. It was also found that Kaldas might have lied on oath while being examined about the matter.

Burn, a candidate to replace Scipione, was also adversely mentioned for unlawful actions while she was at SCIA. She has disputed the allegations. Speaking from his home in Jordan, Kaldas told The Australian: “The negative impact that Operation Prospect has had on dozens of lives will take years to remedy. The core issues that ­Operation Prospect was meant to address have never been ­addressed. They remain outstanding and the victims of this investigation have been left with more layers of unaddressed pain.”

As well as intercepting his phone calls, investigators installed listening devices in the home of his ex-wife.

The Prospect report, released in December, acknowledges one officer named in Mascot’s “schedule of debrief” committed suicide, and another who worked in the unit attempted to take his life. At the time the internal affairs unit was feared by officers who worried they would be targeted, ­either for corruption allegations or to implicate mates.

Former colleagues of Ken Henderson, a detective inspector, believe his death is linked to contact from an internal police investigation team, not associated with the Mascot investigation but working under the same internal affairs branch of police.

One of the state’s most ­respected senior officers with a wife and two daughters, the 30-year career officer calmly took his police pistol into the police station bathroom in October 2001 and shot himself in the head after receiving a phone call from a SCIA investigator.

His family was left bewildered but his colleagues say there is “no doubt” that the pressure of an internal investigation contributed to the detective’s tragic decision.

A close friend of Henderson, and a pallbearer at his funeral, told The Australian none of his close colleagues or supervisors were asked to provide any detail in relation to his passing.

“I was a pallbearer at his ­funeral and I was very close to him and his family so one would think the very first path for any investigator when compiling a brief of evidence would be to interview the deceased officer’s current and past work colleagues,” he said.

Another officer, after being contacted by the internal affairs unit, purchased a length of rope and was driving to Parramatta Park to hang himself when he was intercepted by a police welfare team.

Several journalists who regularly mixed with members of the police force were called on to give evidence to Operation Prospect.

Former reporter Steven Barrett, who has worked for The Australian, said he was unfairly targeted 16 years ago when he was named on warrants to be intercepted. “It was my job to mix with detectives to get stories, but once I was associated with an internal investigation my best contacts refused to take my calls,” he said.

Officer H is preparing to litigate against the state, and more cases are expected.

The Operation Prospect ­report revealed he had been subjected to 11 unlawful integrity tests and was unlawfully recorded over a period of two years without a warrant. One investigator told ­ombudsman investigators he was shocked that his team continued to target Officer H, who eventually succumbed to a demand from an undercover internal affairs ­officer to sweep Manly police station for bugs. The police station was under investigation at the time. “They had 11 shots at him and then they wanted me to prosecute him on the 11th occasion because he’d failed,” the investigator said. “And they were all high-fiving, going, you know, we’ve got him, we’ve got him.”

Officer H said the stress at the time triggered post-traumatic stress disorder. “It was devastating to finally realise the truth of it all and what they had done to me,” he said.

When questioned by the ­Ombudsman, Burn said she had no recollection of Officer H’s specific case, rejecting the proposition that 11 unlawful tests could have been conducted on her watch. “Surely there’s no way we did 11 integrity tests on Officer H. So whether 11 comes from the fact that there was 11 meetings, I don’t know,” Burn said.

NSW Retired Police Association president Paul Biscoe said he was aware of the toll of the past 16 years. “It’s unfortunate that the police force, whose job it is to look after people, fall short in looking after their own people in the same way,” Biscoe said. ... 1b2e3722c2

Readers seeking support and information about suicide prevention can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14.

Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467.

MensLine Australia 1300 78 99 78.
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