Southern Highlands police criminals

The Pedolice of Golburn Police Force. Organized Crime syndicate.. no Honor, no Integrity, no Due Process. Covering up Police Assaults and Gov Corporate crimes. Always targeting Aussie battlers, and never the Zionist Elite Corporations.
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Southern Highlands police criminals

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Fancy New Precinct Building for Old School Dirty Cops

The new police division building at Moss Vale had only been opened a few weeks when I was first summonsed to court on bogus charges. At one stage, the fabricated AVO had to be amended, so I rocked up to the new facility and was served by Sergeant Farr.

I gave him hell about being stitched up on fabricated allegations, and then I started giving him the third degree about the whole affair. Crikeys, you've never seen such a high-ranking officer clam-up so quickly under questioning. He was totally lost for words, and even the few answers he gave were lacking credibility.

I'd caught him totally off guard, and the entire time I was there, he kept his head down, spoke haltingly, and never once looked me in the eye.

When I wanted to make a complaint on the spot (with evidence) about Chucky Jones, the notorious crim, he said words to the effect, "Well, that's another matter, and you'll have to make that complaint some other time."

Chucky Jones has always had a NSW Police Force Get Out of Jail Free Card.
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Government is Organized Crime. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. UCC 1-308
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