I’m before the court in Wollongong today.

Defying Defamation for exposing the zionist criminals in Wingecarribee Shire Council. All articles have been copied and pasted from social media pages without permission.
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Wingecarribee Shire Council
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I’m before the court in Wollongong today.

Post by Wingecarribee Shire Council »

I’m before the court in Wollongong today.
I’m facing 11 charges that have been fabricated by bent coppers at the Southern Highlands Police Station as part of a protection racket.
For twenty years the police protected a notorious criminal from any form of investigation into his corruption.
In 2018, I exposed the notorious criminal for years of corruption.
Not long after, I was arrested based on fabricated charges along with a fraudulent AVO.
The person making the complaint was the notorious criminal.
That criminal is now dead.
Even though the complainant is now dead, the police and prosecution are moving forward with the case against me.
A couple of weeks ago, I was arrested for breaching an AVO when I posted undeniable evidence of long term corruption by the dead criminal.
The arrest was unlawful and it constituted abuse of power by police, an attempt to pervert the course of justice, false arrest and harassment.
Don’t bother looking for a report about this matter in the Southern Highland News. The editor, Jackie Meyers, wrote a glowing obituary about the dead criminal back in January. She was very good friends with him and was part of the protection racket. She said in the obituary the dead criminal was a hero of the community and a paragon of virtue. She lied. The dead criminal was one of the most notorious crooks the Southern Highlands has ever known.
Even though the complainant is a dead criminal, the case will go ahead.
I’m now waiting to be called.
I’ll be asking for a dismissal because the complainant is dead.
I can’t cross examine a dead criminal on the witness stand.
I can’t check the veracity or the credibility of the dead criminal on the witness stand.
I’ve called on the police and the prosecution to drop the charges against me because the complainant is dead.
They refused to. And here I am entering the court as we speak ...
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